Very interesting, thanks for sharing that information.
Just by chance, do you have a complete report of the research? I'm curious and I think some of the guys here would also be keen on reading it.
btw... very nice website! Can you give us a heads up when the translation is finished, I will link it from my website (I have a website in Spanish, but very basic for now, I should continue working on it).
Very interesting, thanks for sharing that information.
Just by chance, do you have a complete report of the research? I'm curious and I think some of the guys here would also be keen on reading it.
Yes i have the literature but only in german languiche.
You should visit this page about fethermites: and ask Dr Schöne via e-mail, if has some english puplication about the Neocnemidocoptes-mites on Cyanoramphysspecies.
The chapter of my homepage about the mites is written in cooperation with Dr. Schöne, i hope it will be translatet in few days.
pabloc wrote:
btw... very nice website! Can you give us a heads up when the translation is finished, I will link it from my website (I have a website in Spanish, but very basic for now, I should continue working on it).
Cheers / Pablo
We are working hard, Gee is as busy s a bee. My written english is not the best, so she is doing the most work. If you or somebody else wants to risk a look on it, i might give a link to that what already is done. In the moment the english version is not linked with the internet and only reachable, if i give you the link.
by the way: If somone wants to help me: I need pictures and texts about breeding kakariki and chicks - from somone who knows what he is doing.
It can be written in english, translating from english to german is no problem for me. The original text would be used in the english version.of the homepage
thx for the information, I will contact Dr. Schöne as you suggest.
No need to rush, I asked out of curiosity. Unfortunately google translate is only good enough to have a general idea of a text, but when you try to translate a technical text or something very specific it becomes a mess.
Could you elaborate more on what you need regarding pics and information?
A few months ago someone made me aware of this website.
It's about a group of breeders who try to maintain the original wild color in Europe.
I've tried to contact them via email but they didn't respond. Maybe they didn't understand my German.
Do you know something more about them and the birds they breed?
Hallo Peter, i heared about this group the first time. But the webpage is interesting. Maybe we can find out more, we will try!
Yes the Mite-problem is very interesting, too.
I belong to a small group of kakariki-lovers that helps people to bring their bird, wich they can no longer care for to a person who is able to care well for him. For that we drive hundrets of kilometers per year. We saw so many kakarki with those symptomes of less feathers around the ears. I think 80% of the kakariki we transportet through germany showed this. So i'm shure this prob is realy widespread.
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