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Kakariki, Care, Breeding, Diet, Health, Aviaries and Conservation
Experienced International Members Have Created a Resource of Information on Kakariki Care, Aviaries, Breeding, Mutations, Diet, Health, Behaviour, Conservation and Related Subjects.
Kakariki are a Unique, Highly Underrated New Zealand Native Parrot, Once Common in the Wild, Now Rare. Most New Zealanders, have Never Heard, Seen, or Aware of Kakariki 's Existence, Including many Active in NZ Conservation.
Members range from Pet Owners, NZ breeders, High Profile International Show Breeders and Researchers.
Above Are links to Forums, Galleries, there, Members have put forward Ideas on Housing, Feeding, Training, Breeding, Sick Birds, Hygiene and Debated many issues on Kakariki
We encourage Membership from All walks, from a Single Kakariki Pet, Private and Commercial Breeders, those with a Wealth of Experience, Scientists and Government officials, from around the World and NZ
A Common Interest...Kakariki
Links to Last 10 Forum Posts
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 | NZ Bird of the Year 2011 |
Once again it is time for the New Zealand Forest Bird voting for the Bird of the Year.
Voting closes on 25th Nov 2011
To vote for kakariki clk here
Kakariki is nearly 1/2 way down the page.
And to see the whole list clk here
With added voting security this yr going back to requiring a legitimate email and confirmation of the vote from a email link.
We hope as with last year a good placing
| Posted on Friday, October 21 @ New Zealand Daylight Time (4770 reads)
(Read More... | 862 bytes more | Score: 0)
 | Federation of NZ Bird Clubs 2011 Bird Show |
79th Grand National Bird Show
Fri/Sat/Sun 29th,30th & 31st July, 2011
Botany Downs Secondary College
575 Chapel Road, Howick, Auckland.
Comprehensive and Attractive Prize List
Bird Sales, Accessories and Supplier Stalls
Kakariki.net has a modest display of Red and Yellow Crown Kakariki with Kind permission of The Dept of Conservation NZ
Main Sponsers
| Posted on Saturday, July 30 @ New Zealand Standard Time (4094 reads)
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 | NZ Bird of the Year 2010 |

Its that time again for the New Zealand Forest Bird voting for the Bird of the Year.
Voting closes on October 13 at 5pm. Past winners include the Tui (2005), Fantail (2006), Grey Warbler (2007), the Kakapo (2008) and the Kiwi (2009)
To vote clk here
The poor old Kakariki is about 3/4 of the way down the page
| Posted on Friday, September 17 @ New Zealand Standard Time (6010 reads)
(Read More... | Score: 4)
 | Captive Management Policy Discussion Paper |
The NZ Dept of Conservation is asking for submissions on discussion paper "A framework for managing protected common Species held in Private Holdings. This covers animals covered in Schedule 3 of the Wildlife Act 1953
Included in schedule 3 are native skinks and geckos along with Yellow and Red Kakariki species
Further information and Documents can be sourced Click Here
Or Ring Joanne Perry 04 471 3213
I believe all permit holders of the above species should have received document in the mail from their local DoC office....and it is my understanding to submission period has been extended beyond 31 Jan 2009 by 2 weeks.
| Posted on Wednesday, January 21 @ New Zealand Daylight Time (5519 reads)
(Read More... | Score: 5)
 | Motuihe Island Red Kakariki Release. |
The plan is to capture and move approx 100 Red Crown Kakariki from Little Barrier Island to Motuihe Island. led by Luis Ortiz-Catedral, under the supervision of DoC. Luis for the last 5 yrs has been studying/researching Kakariki
The move is planned for 17th May 2008
The project is part of Luis' doctoral thesis
All going well, releases could also take place on other islands in the Hauraki Gulf, and hopefully, possible study of the release of captive breed populations later.
This is the 1st major release of the endangered Red Kakariki, now very rarely seen in NZ, yet once one of the most common of NZ native birds, now unknown to most New Zealanders. Yet is was common for early settlers and Maori to keep as pets. And common as a pet overseas.
| Posted on Friday, May 09 @ New Zealand Standard Time (6812 reads)
(Read More... | Score: 4.33)
 | Norfolk Island Capitive Breeding Disaster |
PARROT experts say an aviary breeding program intended to save one of Australia's rarest birds has ended in disaster, with the Norfolk Island parakeet teetering on the brink of extinction......
Norfolk Island National Park manager Brooke Watson admitted an official wild parakeet population estimate of between 200 and 250 was not based on surveys.
"Maybe there are only 20 or 30 but we believe it is more," Mr Watson said.
Further to this Item in the forums Link Here
| Posted on Sunday, January 20 @ New Zealand Daylight Time (8203 reads)
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 | 100 plus yr old Kakariki |
We where out for a 'Sunday Drive' and came across the Putaruru Timber Museum
In one of the restored historical buildings there the Acclimatisation Society has a great display of (taxidermy) Stuffed NZ and introduced birds. Many of which where stuffed by a local well reknown person in the late 1800s
There where serveral Red Crown and Yellow Crown Kakariki, male and female.
Tthe 1st time I have every seen kakariki stuffed...let alone over 100 yrs old
More details in the forums clk logo
| Posted on Friday, January 11 @ New Zealand Daylight Time (6336 reads)
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 | Lost Password? |
Checking server logs, In recent weeks, several members have lost their members passwords .
If the email address you have used in your member profile is no longer current, the "lost password Confirmation " email will not get to you.
If this is not the case check your spam box.
Passwords are encoded and not recoverable by the Web Master...but Administation can manually change your password and send to you.
Allow for time zones around the world.
Please contact the Webmaster direct top left of the page If you have any issues.
Describe your problem
your current email address,
user name and (opitional) pw you wish to use
If New members have issues becoming a member, also contact the Web Master direct, allow for time zones, and forward intended user name, pw (optional), country, City (opitional)
| Posted on Thursday, January 10 @ New Zealand Daylight Time (6317 reads)
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 | Wild Kakariki in the South Island of NZ |
From 3yr Progess Report, DoC Operation Ark
"There are no accurate estimates of the total numbers,( Orange Crowed Kakariki)but a best estimate places it between 150–300 individuals.
Of the other two species of parakeet that were once common on the South Island,
the red-crowned (C. novaezelandiae) is all but extinct on the mainland,
while the yellow crowned (C. auriceps), although still found in considerable numbers in large tracts of indigenous forest, has undergone range contraction and fragmentation.
| Posted on Tuesday, November 20 @ New Zealand Daylight Time (7000 reads)
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 | NZ Bird of the Year |
Forest and Bird are once again asking for votes to your NZ most popular bird
Lets see if we can give kakariki better boost this year.
To vote clk here
The Forest and Bird Protection Society Of NZ is a very old and respected Organisation...
They do not use your Email to Spam...
And while there clk the box to recieve their news letters
PS:Grey warbler surprise winner in Bird of The Year
| Posted on Thursday, October 18 @ New Zealand Daylight Time (6721 reads)
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 | Exclusive free Orange-Fronted Parakeet video footage. |
Guest writes "Orange-Fronted Parakeet Video footage available for free viewing or download
While filming the Documentary I shot footage of the Orange-Fronted Parakeet that I made into a small 3 minute video exclusively of the Orange-Fronted Parakeet footage set to music.
This is a bonus I included in the DVD which you could purchase but I have now it made it freely available for viewing or free download from my website.
You can still view the full free Documentary Orange-Fronted Parakeet-The Fight for Survival or exclusive footage of the Orange-fronted parakeet
To view the documentary go to: Click Here
Keen to hear your thoughts and feedback
| Posted on Tuesday, October 02 @ New Zealand Daylight Time (6665 reads)
(Read More... | Score: 4.5)
 | Please Support this Research |
This Site, us, and already Several Site Members fully and freely support, Luis
Please read below and contact Luis giving your further support.
My name is Luis Ortiz-Catedral. in the last 3 years I've studied kakariki on Tiritiri Matangi Island. My current research (PhD at Massey University, AUCKLAND CAMPUS) focuses on the behaviour of captive-bred and wild-sourced kakariki. I intend to release mixed flocks containing birds captured on Little Barrier Island (LBI) and also captive birds. At this stage I'm still preparing permits and other paper work to undergo a disease screening on LBI. I would like to know if any of you would be interested in donating some of your birds for this project. There are some minimal requirements:
The birds should be close to the wild type (i.e. as "pure" as possible)
Preferably young birds
Birds without signs of "attachment" to owners or ultra-friendly behaviours
I'm after 30-40 birds to be ready for release between December this year or March next year at the latest.
Another aspect of my research involves recently fledged young. I want to test two tail-mount transmitters on near-to recently fledged kakariki. I need to test this on captive birds first to identify any potential problems...the next step will be wild birds. Does any of you have nestlings at the moment? If so, would you be interested in helping with this part of my project?
Please contact me if you want to discuss/help
All the best and thanks for your time and consideration
LUIS ( luiscatedral@yahoo.co.nz )
| Posted on Monday, August 27 @ New Zealand Standard Time (6526 reads)
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 | Kakariki Breeders in New Zealand it is Time to Unite? |
Our website is currently interested in contacting breeders of Kakariki in New Zealand, especially those located in the Northland, Auckland and Waikato areas. There are several issues facing the future population of Kakariki here in their native homeland,including possible release programs of captive bred birds in association with conservation projects and DoC.
Other important issues would include the introduction of a genetic family register as well as education in the the importance of maintaining individual sub species. For more information or to register your interest please email the web master via the email Web Master (link top left) on this site. All enquiries will be handled with confidentiality and all enquires will be responded to.
In the long term, possibity forming a Kakariki Bird Society.
| Posted on Tuesday, March 13 @ New Zealand Daylight Time (8733 reads)
(Read More... | Score: 3.5)
 | Kakariki Permits (NZ) |
A friendly reminder From Department of Conservation (NZ) for Kakariki Breeders in the Auckland Area:
Lifespan of the Authority (permit) to Obtain and Have in Possession Absolutely Protected Wildlife (Kakariki) issued by the Department of Conservation is three years.
If you no longer keep native parakeets OR If you wish to renew this authority please contact me.
Yours faithfully,
Art Polkanov
Ranger Biodiversity/Biosecurity
DOC Auckland Area Office
PO Box 32 026, Devonport,
North Shore City
Ph 09 445 9653
Fax 09 445 9637
E-mail: apolkanov@doc.govt
Admin Note: It is very important that DoC are able to keep their records upto date and they need the co operation of NZ breeders of Native Species to do this.
| Posted on Wednesday, February 21 @ New Zealand Daylight Time (8600 reads)
(Read More... | Score: 1.66)
 | Help Restore the Dawn Chorus..1080 |
This from the lastest NZ Forest and Bird Protection Society (who do support DoC, like myself on the 1080 issue Sort of, there should be greater freedom and use of it by DoC)
Help Restore the Dawn Chorus
One of the most important decisions in a generation will soon be made which will affect native forests and birds for decades to come. The Department of Conservation (DOC) and the Animal Health Board have applied for 1080 to be reassessed so that it can continue to be used in New Zealand.
DOC and regional councils use 1080 to protect native forests from browsing by possums and to protect native birds and other native species from predation by introduced pest species. This use of 1080 has been critical in saving threatened native species from being driven to extinction by introduced predators. Species such as kiwi, kaka, kokako and kakariki have all benefited from its use. Without 1080 these species would face local population declines and increased risk of extinction.
Forest & Bird supports the application because 1080 is the best solution currently available to protect large areas of forests and their native species from the ravages of introduced pests. In the last couple of decades 1080 has been the key factor that has allowed our forests to come alive.
You can help by sending a brief email submission ...
| Posted on Wednesday, January 17 @ New Zealand Daylight Time (7164 reads)
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